A new mom immediately after giving birth has numerous needs, many of which are often overlooked or underestimated as the focus shifts entirely to the baby. Let’s take a closer look at what a mother needs the most during postpartum recovery and the first weeks after the childbirth.

From a Physical Perspective:
1. Recovery from a childbirth:
A mother needs time and proper care to recover, whether she has had a vaginal birth or a cesarean section. This includes healing wounds, managing pain, and rebuilding pelvic floor muscles. These processes cannot be rushed—recovery takes time, and hastening it can lead to long-term issues.
2. Adequate nutrition and hydration:
Postpartum nutrition is crucial for regeneration (protein-rich foods) and hydration, especially for breastfeeding mothers. The amount of fluids needed can be calculated based on the mother’s and baby’s weight. Misconceptions about postpartum diets, such as avoiding certain foods while breastfeeding, often lead mothers to follow restrictive and unnecessary “breastfeeding diets.” In reality, evening fussiness in babies is rarely caused by the mother’s diet but is often linked to other factors.
3. Rest and sleep:
A mother’s body is profoundly exhausted after pregnancy and childbirth. Although caring for a newborn is demanding, short breaks and support from loved ones are vital. Learning to breastfeed while lying down, co-sleeping, or involving other family members in caregiving can make a significant difference.
From a Psychological Perspective:
1. Emotional support and understanding:
A new mother often experiences a whirlwind of emotions due to hormonal changes, making it challenging to process her feelings. She needs empathetic support from her partner, family, or professionals who can reassure her that her emotions are normal. Crying can be incredibly cathartic, and a good “crying session” a few days after childbirth can feel liberating.
2. A sense of confidence and security:
Motherhood involves learning new skills on the go, often without the luxury of time to deliberate. Support in decision-making regarding breastfeeding, sleep, and baby care is essential to prevent feelings of failure.
3. Time to adapt:
A new mother needs some time to adjust to her new role and process this significant life change. To handle her new responsibilities, it’s critical that she has a safe space where she can express her feelings, admit what she doesn’t know, and establish her own routines and habits that work for her and her baby.
In Relation to the Newborn:
1. Practical skills in newborn care:
Mothers need to learn how to safely handle their newborns, breastfeed (or bottle-feed) without pain, how to bath and dress them. With many young families living far from extended relatives, personal or online courses, or support from experienced professionals (pediatricians, lactation consultants, babywearing advisors, or friends) can be invaluable.
2. Breastfeeding support:
Breastfeeding is a natural process, but outdated practices and misinformation can complicate or prevent it. A mother needs confidence in her abilities and access to modern, evidence-based information to breastfeed successfully. For first-time moms or those encountering challenges, lactation consultants or healthcare providers can help with techniques and problem-solving.
Whether a mother chooses to breastfeed or not, it’s crucial that she feels supported by her family and society. If breastfeeding isn’t possible, mothers should feel no judgment or negativity about their choices.
3. Monitoring the baby’s health:
Mothers need access to reliable information about their baby’s development and health. A supportive, knowledgeable pediatrician is essential for addressing health concerns and providing evidence-based guidance. Trust between parents and their pediatrician significantly influences a mother’s peace of mind and her approach to caring for her newborn.

What did YOU need the most after giving birth?
Did you manage on your own, with your family, or did you have any professional support? Share your experience with us on Facebook (Zumbucca) or Instagram (@zumbucca.carrier).
And if you need help making life with your newborn easier, you’re not alone! We can assist with breastfeeding or babywearing consultations or recommending the right babywearing tool exactly for your needs. Reach out and let us know how we can help.